Greater Cincinnati VOTF
ph: 513-231-5271
Greetings from Cincinnati VOTF,
We want you to know that we are currently working with other concerned Catholics in the Cincinnati community that are opposed to the wording of the new "teacher-minister" contracts that covers over 2000 teachers in the Catholic schools in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. After discussion with those spearheading this effort we are joining them in support of the teachers.
We thought you may want a "heads up" in this regard since there are currently petitions on-line addressing the issue. A local Cincinnati petition that was started late last week addresses the lack of fairness for the many dedicated teachers that will be placed in the untenable position of either living a "lie", or working in a atmosphere of "don't ask, don't tell" for fear of being fired without any legal recourse. The impact on our teachers and the unhealthy learning environment generated by the constructs of the contract are likely to have devastating long term effects on our Catholic school system.
Cincinnati VOTF has designated a "teacher fairness fund" to help collect monies for the local effort to get advertising about the issue. Currently the intent is to purchase billboard space, although other options may come into play. The group spearheading this effort includes many long time members of the Cincinnati VOTF who see a real problem with the lack of willingness of Archbishop Schnurr to meet and dialog about the issues. The teachers are now scared into silence. Pastors are afraid to speak out as well... the local Catholic newspaper the Catholic Telegraph stopped accepting letters to the editor a year or so back--- leaving no options for feedback outside the mainstream media.
Last week several folks gathered downtown for a prayer vigil in support of the teachers and delivered copies of the petition to Archbishop Schnurr's office.
The Cincinnati Enquirer has been following the issue on and off for the past few weeks with articles and editorial comments.
We have attached for your information a copy of the new 2014-15 "teacher-minister" contract, a copy of the 2013-2014 "certified teacher" contract and a copy of the US Supreme Court decision that impacts the status of "ministers" and the loss of legal recourse if they are dismissed from faith communities. There have been at least three instances of teacher's getting fired in Cincinnati in past few years that are specific to the added "morality" clauses. Please read the attached 2014-2015 "teacher-minister" contract for specifics of the expanded "morality clause".
Also -- FYI - the issues in the morality clause include how the church addresses the LGBT community. There is a national petition that has generated over 20,000 responses about the Cincinnati diocese's teacher contract that prohibits the teacher's from either publicly engaging in or publicly supporting any of the listed behaviors --including homosexual lifestyle. This petition was generated by
We hope this information is helpful - so that you can have some understanding of the depth of issues and challenges we are facing in the Cincinnati diocese this Easter season. Please keep Cincinnati in your prayers.
Cincinnati VOTF Coordinating Committee
Teacher Fairness Initiative
April/May 2014
Keep the Faith, Change the Church
Put a note in your Sunday collection envelope or basket -- tell your pastor to stand up for the teachers. Ask your pastor to request that Archbishop Schnurr meet and dialogue with the teachers and the school parents at your parish.
Do not passively stand by while our church leaders take away the Catholic teachers' employment rights.
Support the teachers. Talk to them about the contract. Pray for them. Let them know you care.
Don't let the silence of our church leaders silence your right and responsibility to give voice to concerns about the lack of fairness, honesty, and ethicalness of the new teacher-minister contract.
Make your voice heard. Call - write- email and talk about the issue everyday:
Archdiocese of Cincinnati
Archbishop: Rev. Dennis M. Schnurr
Bishop: Rev. Joseph R. Binzer
100 East Eighth Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202 USA
Or a letter to the Archbishop can be inserted into the link provided at:
Archdiocese of Cincinnati
Superintendent: Dr. Jim Rigg
100 East Eighth Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202
(513) 421-3131 Phone
The Papal Nuncio
The Apostolic Nunciature, the Holy See
3339 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20008
Pope Francis
His Holiness, Pope Francis PP.
00120 Via del Pellegrino
Citta del Vaticano
Cincinnati Enquirer
Enquirer Editorial Page
312 Elm St.
Cincinnati, OH 45202
Michael Clark (Cincinnati Enquirer reporter seeking input from concerned individuals) or 755-4146
The Catholic Telegraph
Catholic Telegraph Editorial Page
100 East 8th Street
Cincinnati OH 45202
Press Office:
May 2014: Teacher Fairness Initiative
Greater Cincinnati VOTF joins with others in the community opposing the terms of the new Catholic Teacher-Minister Contract. This is one of 12 billboards currently in place around the city.
Donations in support of this initiative can be sent to:
Greater Cincinnati VOTF/Teacher Fairness Fund
2601 Montchateau Drive
Cincinnati, OH 45244
Thank You.
Greater Cincinnati VOTF is a 501(c)3 non profit
Cincinnati Catholic Teacher Contract is focus of a segment on CNN
Friday May 30th 7PM-8PM
Erin Burnet--- OUT FRONT
"Would Pope Francis
Sign the New
Catholic Teacher Contract?"
Copyright 2009 My Business. All rights reserved.
Greater Cincinnati VOTF
ph: 513-231-5271