Greater Cincinnati VOTF
ph: 513-231-5271
Cincinnati Voice of the Faithful
An open letter to our membership, supporters and the local community.
Regarding the recent disclosures of alleged criminal behavior of Fr. Geoff Drew and other priests in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, both past and present:
Over the past fifteen years Greater Cincinnati VOTF has repeatedly called on our local leadership, Retired Archbishop Daniel Pilarcryck, Archbishop Dennis Schnurr, and Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Binzer, for transparency and accountability. These two words are so often repeated and promised --- but rarely, if ever practiced.
The diocese agreed to post the names of clergy with “credible” allegations on the Cincinnati Archdiocese website. This posting is incomplete. The diocese references the standards of “Semblance of truth’ and speaks of “Credible allegation” within Cincinnati’s written “Decree on Child Protection”. The Archdiocese of Cincinnati also has a “Code of Best Practices for Priests”. Recent events demonstrate continuing and ongoing issues with instances of clerical misconduct, and/or abusive behaviors that are a breach of these standards. The Archdiocese of Cincinnati is clearly lacking transparency in these matters.
It is apparent that the Cincinnati Archdiocese leadership has not been willing or able to do the hard work of accountability. Parental concerns are not adequately reported back to either the parish schools, the parents or the larger community. Other reported concerns have been dismissed, ignored or minimized. This cannot continue.
Greater Cincinnati Voice of the Faithful believes that victims of abuse and their families, as well as the members of the Church and the wider community all deserve truth, justice and healing.
We recognize that healing requires not just “prayers” but the tenaciousness and courage to work for truth and justice. It involves taking action to bring about transparency and accountability.
We call on everyone to take action to bring this most needed change to our Church and to our community.
Cincinnati VOTF Coordinating Committee
September, 2019
Keep the Faith, Change the Church
Who will speak, if you don’t?
Resources for Action:
Archdiocese of Cincinnati
Archbishop: Rev. Dennis M. Schnurr
Bishop: Rev. Joseph R. Binzer
100 East Eighth Street
Cincinnati, OH 45202 USA
Phone: (513) 421-3131
The Papal Nuncio
The Apostolic Nunciature, the Holy See
3339 Massachusetts Ave., NW
Washington, DC 20008
Pope Francis
His Holiness, Pope Francis PP.
00120 Via del Pellegrino
Citta del Vaticano
Ohio Legislature
Contact Ohio State Representatives
Contact Ohio State Senators
Phone legislators: 1-800-282-0253
Cincinnati Enquirer
Enquirer Editorial Page
312 Elm St.
Cincinnati, OH 45202
The Catholic Telegraph
Catholic Telegraph Editorial Page
100 East 8th Street
Cincinnati OH 45202
Copyright 2009 My Business. All rights reserved.
Greater Cincinnati VOTF
ph: 513-231-5271